Welcome to the first Smoothie OTW for 2014, as well as one with perfect timing to celebrate my birthday (I turned 31 yesterday)! We had a quiet blogger turnout over the holiday period and I hope we all had a fantastic Christmas (or other seasonal holiday) with our loved ones and a fantastic New Year’s Eve 😀 I was away …
High Protein Sticky Date Mousse
Before buying my Optimum 9200 blender a couple of months ago, I don’t think I’ve ever owned an appliance that I’ve consistently used daily. The food processor probably comes closest at 4-5 times a week with all the chopping, grinding and slicing I do for meal prep but with the blender it’s been pumping out daily smoothies as well as …
Creamy Spinach Dip in Mini Cob
My friend’s mother makes the best cob dip. So good in fact that at every party she ever hosts it’s the first dish everyone lunges for. That or her to-die-for potato bake. Or the chocolate mousse cake. I always knew I would be well fed at those parties and I still dream about those cob dips many years after moving …
Toasted Muesli Protein Cookies + Maple Almond Toasted Muesli
Until recently I wasn’t sure why we referred to granola as ‘toasted muesli’ here in Australia. I assumed ‘toasted muesli’ was simply our most logical description for the process of baking a raw muesli mix, only to find out that granola is a trademarked term in Australia and New Zealand by Sanitarium (check out the story here and here). Another …
High Protein Pineapple & Ginger Popsicles
I’m all about craving food at really inappropriate times, and it’s really too cold here in Melbourne to be craving popsicles (13C days, 3C nights). Soon enough it will be summer though and daydreams of pineapple, coconut and ginger always help this shivering blogger get through these cold, cold days. Well, that and walking around the block on my lunch …