These kale chips are my kryptonite. While I love to blend or saute my kale, I could hoover up a whole bunch of kale after dehydrating these curried bites of heaven. Yeah, these kale chips aren’t going to last long today! These curried kale chips have a crispy consistency somewhere between a classic potato chip and popcorn, but with a …
Summer Stonefruit Smoothie
So I’ve been thinking about this for a few months – hosting a link party. I love participating in link parties myself; they’re a fun, engaging, community blogging experience and I always stumble across a new favourite blog I would never have found otherwise. #SmoothieOTW is a social media feature I’ve created and posted on every weekend that catalogues my …
Peppery Lacto-Fermented Radishes
I had a short but sweet list of New Year’s resolutions at the start of the year which including making and eating more fermented foods. Kombucha, milk/water kefir and home-made yoghurt have become staples in my diet since then and I’ve also now got a “science experiment” corner in the kitchen where something or other is bubbling away towards being …
Home-made Vanilla Extract
Vanilla is one of those rich and exotic scents that makes you take a double-deep breath when it hits you. It’s one of the most beloved scents universally and is also one of the most expensive spices to buy, whether in the form of whole pods, powder, paste or powder. Sure, you could skip the expense and buy the cheap …
Creamy Spinach Dip in Mini Cob
My friend’s mother makes the best cob dip. So good in fact that at every party she ever hosts it’s the first dish everyone lunges for. That or her to-die-for potato bake. Or the chocolate mousse cake. I always knew I would be well fed at those parties and I still dream about those cob dips many years after moving …
Home Remedies for Tonsilitis + Soothing Fresh Lime Drink
I’ve been off work for a couple of days with sore, inflamed tonsils that look and feel like golf balls. I’d offer to show you a photo, but you really don’t want to see that! I used to get chronic tonsillitis as a child and adolescent – but never to the point that I had to have a tonsillectomy thankfully. …