Peach & Canteloupe Juice | Om Nom Ally

Peach & Cantaloupe Juice

Alison Murray Dairy-free, Drinks, Gluten-free, Nut-free, Paleo, Raw, Recipes, Resources, Vegan, Vegetarian, Wholefood Blender Party 14 Comments

Yep it’s a new name – Smoothie Of The Week is now the Weekend Wholefood Blender Party! Everything else is the same, this blog party is your weekly source of delicious smoothies, juices, teas, ferments and any other home-made beverages that tickle your fancy!

The motto of the Weekend Wholefood Blender Party is “We drink real food!”. It’s like a Tupperware party for healthy foodies except the only thing we’re trying to sell you is the desire to make the most nutritious and amazing drinks on the planet!

Feel free to post your real drink recipes, share wellness advice, find new blogs and meet new people. I’ll be posting a recipe weekly as well, pinning all the linked posts to the Blender Party Pinterest board and selecting 3 entries to highlight from the previous week’s post.

Weekend Wholefood Blender Party | Om Nom Ally


Featured Links | Guidelines | Join the Party | Ally’s Party Favour

Featured Links

There’s a great variety of different types of beverages here from last week’s party – 4 delicious fruity juices, a fibre-rich Chia Fresca with fresh lime juice and a Strawberry Banana Basil Smoothie that’s so brightly pink it must be good for you!
What’s your favourite party favour from last week’s round up?

Getting Juicy – I Spy Plum Pie
Chia Fresca
Chia Fresca – Whole Hearted Eats

Banana Basil Smoothie – Grain CrazyTriple-click the html code to the right and then copy and paste to show off the Blender Party featured posts button on your posts or sidebar.
Om Nom Ally

<a href=”” target=”_blank”><img src=”” alt=”Om Nom Ally” width=”250″ height=”250″ /></a>

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Weekend Wholefood Blender Party Guidelines:

  1. This link party will start at 12pm Sundays and end at 8pm Thursdays (AEST).
  2. Enter up to 3 links on relavent topics (juices, smoothies, teas, fermented drinks – see here for more info). The post may be your newest, or from your archive – it doesn’t matter, we want to see it! Linked recipes should focus on wholefood, unrefined and unprocessed ingredients.
  3. Link to your specific post for each entry, not the main page of your blog. Enter your post description in the “NAME” space on this form (not YOUR name). Please do not add links that promote giveaways, online shops or other link parties.
  4. You must link back to the party, either through a text link or button on your post (available below in two sizes). Leave a comment on the link-up page if you like and visit some other posted links that pique your interest – it’s a community event after-all! Mentioning the link-up on social media is encouraged and will help this event grow to build a strong community based on real food recipes.
  5. Every week I will pick 3 posts to feature on the Blender Party post. By entering your link, you are giving permission to use any part of your post (including images) in a spotlight on Om Nom Ally. Proper credit and links will always be given to you. Posts are also promoted on the Om Nom Ally social media channels and added to the Weekend Wholefood Blender Party Pinterest board.

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Weekend Wholefood Blender Party (8)

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Ally’s Party Favour: Peach & Cantaloupe Juice

Peach & Cantaloupe Juice | Om Nom Ally

My Optimum 400 juicer arrived late last week and I seem to have suddenly switched off from smoothie-mode! This juice combines delectable stone fruit and summer melon with vitamin A and E rich carrots and orange. Drink it straight or dilute with spring water, water kefir or kombucha.

Weekend Wholefood Blender Party (8)
Prep time
Total time
Recipe type: Juicing, Beverages
Cuisine: Dairy-free, Egg-free, Gluten-free, Grain-free, Nut-free, Soy-free, Wheat-free, Vegan, Raw.
Serves: 2
  • 2 large peaches, pitted
  • ¼ medium cantaloupe, chopped
  • 2 medium carrots
  • 1 orange, peeled
  1. Feed all ingredients into juicer (I use and recommend the Optimum 400 slow juicer).
  2. Serve straight or mix 50/50 with water, water kefir or kombucha.

Comments 14

    1. Post
  1. What a great idea for a link up! I’ve added you to my weekly link-up list and can’t wait to see all the other posts shared. Thanks for hosting!

    1. Post

      Thanks for the comment Annie. It’s my pleasure to host as you all have such fabulous blogs to share! Have a great week and thanks for joining in the Weekend Wholefood Blender Party!

    1. Post

      My pleasure Christine, thanks for linking up and making my day! I love your post, there’s nothing better than tea made with home grown herbs 🙂
      I hope you’ll link up again in the future, have a great week!

    1. Thanks for linking up Alex, and I’m glad you love the new name – I do too! I’m going to have to find a way to make your smoothie without persimmons, it looks so amazing but we just never get persimmons here 🙁

    1. Post

      Thanks Kari 🙂 and thanks for linking up this week. I’m looking through your recent 2014 posts I had missed recently and these smoothies and your sweet potato ice cream are making me salivate with hunger 😀

  2. Wow! What a fun link up idea!
    I love smoothies and I love to try new combinations so it is such fun to hop around here.
    Today I shared “”How to Avoid Carrageenan & Make Your Own Organic Hemp Milk”–in my trusty Vitamix, of course.
    Thanks for hosting this!
    All the best,

    1. Post

      Thank you for sharing, there’s nothing I hate more than the additives in store-bought non-dairy alternatives and you’ve given me great reason to try something other than home-made almond milk 😀
      Have a great week!

    1. Post

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