Can I just say how marvelous it is to be back in the food blogging world? I’ve had so many people reach out the past week, and don’t worry, I missed you all too. We’re back today for another fabulous Wholefood Blender Party, and I can’t wait to see what wonderful wholefood drinks you’ve been enjoying lately! Feel free to post …
Antiinflammatory Kiwi Juice Tonic
I’m so ready for this weekend, it’s been a terrible week for me! I’ve been running on very little sleep due to a few late night occurrences (including a snoring boyfriend, a barking dog and a car crash outside our house one night) and this weekend is hopefully going to be a restorative one. As of this week I’ve also …
Tropical Plum Smoothie
Woohoo the heatwave is over in Melbourne! That was… not fun. I could elaborate and generally have a big whinge, but instead I’m just enjoying this much more agreeable 23 degree day and feeling thankful for all the cooling and hydrating summer foods available here lately. Melons, pineapple, grapes, cucumbers, lettuce, celery, tomatoes and carrots – you’re all heatwave smoothie …