Another year is about to pass us by already? I can’t believe it either. 2015 went by in a blur for me – and it certainly had it’s ups and downs! While a few things in my life were a bit choppy and change-y (employment, health), one constant joy throughout it all though has been this running this website. You have …
Overnight Mocha Chia Pudding with Coconut & Cherry
Here’s a universal truth for you: Living and working with your loved one is hard. I’m not going to sugar coat it. While I want to plow through and get shit done on the new Om Nom Ally store, Kam has a more fun-centered approach to working from home and intersperses dedicated work hours with video games and watching new release movies. My …
Grape Chia Jelly Shots
I’ve been scambling to finish off multiple subjects this week, as the rollover for my new Naturopathy course starts next week and I want as much course credit as possible. And how’s that going, you might ask. My brain feels like mush. Since I haven’t been feeling too inspired in the kitchen with the pressure, I’ve been looking forward to …